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EMF NEWS, June 2024

Hospital accommodations for people with EHS

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Hospital accommodations for people with EHS
Magda Havas <[email protected]> wrote :

Sheena Symington, director of the Canadian Electrosensitive Society, has been advocating for those with EHS to be able to use hospital facilities despite their sensitivity. Some hospitals are accommodating those with EHS and here is one example: Quinte Health, which runs four hospitals in Ontario (Belleville General Hospital, North Hastings Hospital, Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital).

For those of you needing to visit a hospital, please take this article with you to encourage your hospital to accommodate those with environmental sensitivities. 

We need this type of accommodation not only for hospitals but for schools, public transit, daycare centres, etc.  

Anyone who says there is no such thing as EHS should think twice.  If there is no such illness, why are hospitals accommodating those who have been diagnosed with this illness?  Perhaps school board trustees know more about health care than hospitals and medical doctors.  

Feel free to share far and wide.  


Dr. Magda Havas

[email protected]



Head and neck tumors associated with cell phone use 

have increased in the U.S. since 2000, by Joel Moskowitz


After reading this USA Today fact check, I ask Joel if American neuroscientists had issued warnings about possible risks of neurodegenerative diseases from AirPods (wireless earbuds using Bluetooth).  

He replied: ‘’Here is all I have on AirPods:  

AirPods: Are Apple’s New Wireless Earbuds Safe? (Blood-brain barrier effects)

Also see: 

Tips to Reduce Your Wireless Radiation Exposure’’


Smart meter symptoms and distance

I asked British Columbia based Building Biologist Katharina Guastavs: ‘’At what distance from one or several smart meters have you seen more sensitive vs healthy individual develop EHS symptoms?’’

She replied:

‘’Within 3 meters (not just behind, but also the next floor above), the RF radiation exposure levels are usually above 100 or 1000 µW/m2 here in British Columbia. The worst case scenarios seem to occur when a smart meter emits
(a) constantly (not just about every 30 minutes as generally the case in British Columbia),
(b) at full power (not just about 50% as generally the case in British Columbia), and
(c) both antennas (mesh network of utility and local home area network) are activated at the same time (not just the mesh network antenna as is generally the case in British Columbia; customers of BC Hydro have to phone in to have the home area network antenna activated).

However, even if a smart meter does not transmit constantly at full power from both antennas, people are often affected if the smart meter is mounted to the other side of the bedroom wall or below. 

This is totally avoidable if electricity meters (no matter which kind) are not mounted at any bedroom wall, also not below a bedroom wall.

On a different note, the Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability IBN in Germany, for which I translate the Building Biology Online Course, asked me a few questions about my work.

All the best,



IBN interview with Katharina DE | EN

Katharina Gustavs is a Building Biology Testing Specialist IBN, nutritionist, and translator on Vancouver Island / Canada. From there, she has for many years been promoting building biology in the English-speaking world. She also supervises and translates the English version of the Building Biology Correspondence Course IBN. In this interview she talks about her background and what inspires her about building biology.

Katharina Gustavs

EMF Consultant | Nutritionist | Translator

Building Biology Consultant IBN & EMF Testing Specialist IBN

250 642 2774 |



Warmfelt thanks to Sharon Noble for 15 years of public service

Sharon Noble [email protected] of Citizens for Safer Tech, also based in British Columbia, is retiring after publishing her near-daily EMF newsletter for 15 years. For more ‘’provocative’’ updates, she suggests we ask Barb Payne [email protected] of the Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada (EPIC) Foundation to sign us up.

Barb’s EPIC website :

Sharon Noble’s amazing newsletters archives :

For example :


2024-05-01 –  Digital Screen Time & Breast Cancer

2024-05-02 –  May is Environmental Sensitivities Awareness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS/ES) Awareness Month

2024-05-03 – New Cars are Spies

Weekend – No Newsletters

2024-05-06 –  Perinatal EMF exposure and Autism

2024-05-07 –  Canadian Congress on Disability Inclusion 2024

2024-05-08 – No Newsletter

2024-05-09 – Environmental Hazards — Foray 48B & 5G

2024-05-10  – Extreme Solar Storm

Weekend – No Newsletters

2024-05-13 –  What is 5G – Part 2

2024-05-14 –  mmWave radiation surrounds us

2024-05-15 –  Medical courses were funded by tobacco companies????

2024-05-16 –  AT&T bribed officials to eliminate land lines

2024-05-17 –  Telecom workers know of RF dangers

Long weekend — Victoria Day — No Newsletters

2024-05-21 –  Huawei engineer is member of Royal Society of Canada

2024-05-22 –  300 news articles re. RF radiation

2024-05-23 –  Electrical Wildfire Safety Risks

2024-05-24  – US infrastructure vulnerable to cyberattack

Weekend – No Newsletters

2024-05-27 –  Policies for limiting cell phone use in BC schools

2024-05-28  – Some hospitals accommodate EHS and MCS

2024-05-29  – Body scanners in prisons

2024-05-30 –  Insurance Industry / Smeter Fires

2024-05-31 –  Wishing you all the very best


 Happy summer everyone!


Subscriptions/abonnements :

Source :
André Fauteux, Editor/Éditeur

Magazine La Maison du 21e siècle 

Sainte-Adele, Quebec 

[email protected]

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